How do we start?

We'll start with a free consultation to determine your editing needs and assess if I can help you. From there, we’ll discuss your budget and draw up a plan. This will always be collaborative, so bring your own goals and ideas along!

What services do you offer?

I focus on two kinds of editing:

Copyediting - Checking for consistency and glaring errors in your writing.

Proofreading - Going through your work with a fine-tooth grammar comb to make sure we got all the little errors.

If you want help with content editing, we can discuss it further.

What will you edit?

Just about anything! My background is in scientific papers (graduate level), but I am excited to look at your nonfiction or fiction writing.

What won’t you edit?

If you are using AI or plagiarism in your work, we will not be a good fit. I firmly believe in people creating their own work and will not pursue future work with you if you bring non-original work to the table.

I also reserve the right to refuse services for writing that is homophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, racist, or generally rude.

What do you charge?

Pricing is based on the length of your to-be-edited text and how much support you need. I always want to be mindful of your financial situation, so let me know if there are extenuating circumstances.

Generally, I aim to meet industry standards for pricing and will usually charge by the word.

What languages can you work in?

I am tragically monolingual, so I will only be able to work on pieces in English. That being said, I’m working to build my community of editors and if I know someone who can edit in your needed language, I’ll always send you their way.

I’m nervous to share my writing with someone…

That’s completely ok! Sharing writing is personal and can be scary. My goal is to look at your art and work with you to hone it into something that feels authentic and useful to you.